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​Client Feedback, Testimonials & Case Studies


Over 50,000 business leaders Job Match to improve the selection, development and retention of TOP Performers.  Below is what some of our clients (& partners of Profiles International) say about the benefits of working with People Values, our service, tools & using the assessments we provide by Profiles International. 
Note:  Many of our clients have refused to provide comments, not because they aren't satisfied and more successful using our employee selection and development tools, but because they just don't want their competitors (like you) knowing what their secret weapon is.  Be assured, we'll offer you the same anonymity in the future when you are Job Matching TOP Performers and leaving your competitors in your dust...



Feedback from HR Stars:


Assessing Candidates Helps Distinguish Your Company as One With High Standards:
"Using the People Values' assessments helps us distinguish our company and show candidates early on we have high expectations. The productive people we've hired with this system actually expressed their appreciation for taking the survey and the company's desire to match not only people that would be productive, but people who would be happy in their positions... Many times the assessments have pointed out things that I just didn't see in the interview or didn't think were accurate at the beginning of their employment, but almost always end up being true." 
HR Manager, American Retail Supply

Non-Existent Employee Review Process to Successful Reviews in Less Than a Week:
“We’ve been working with People Values for a few years to hire the right people and now have the best staff we’ve ever had. Unfortunately, we never had a performance review program in place to continually improve the productivity of current employees… that is until last week. I just used People Values’ TOP Performance Center to create an Employee Review & Improvement Process and performed my first two employee reviews. The website was very easy to use. It took me less than an hour to customize the review forms and schedule my reviews. By following Grant’s process, the reviews went very well and my employees left motivated and know exactly what they have to do in the next few months to continually improve their performance. I never thought I’d actually look forward to performing my next round of reviews.”
HR & Office Manager, Guardian Roofing & Windows


60% Turnover Rate to 9% in Only 4 Years (& that's before the recession - now 0% turnover):
“Before People Values, we had a 60% turnover rate & were skeptical whether you could help us. In the past four years, employee reliability & customer service have improved. Our turnover rate is now just 9%. There's been an improvement in the reliability and work ethic of our workforce.  This has been a valuable tool in the hiring process which has resulted in an improvement in regards to reliability and work ethic with our new employees." 
HR Manager, Woodstone Credit Union

Job Matching Doubles the Retention Rate of Salespeople:
"We have implemented the Profile Assessment in our hiring process for our sales positions, and have found the tool to be very effective.  In tracking our hires over the last year, when the Profile Assessment was used retention was twice as high over those hires that were made when not using the tool. We have been very pleased with the Profile Assessment and when properly benchmarked to the position would recommend it to others as well."
Manager of Strategic Recruitment, Pella Corporation


Job Matching Helps You Align Management's Perspective on the Ideal Employee:
"I have received tremendous value from the Customer Service Perspective.  It has helped me to align senior management's perspective on what customer service should be throughout the organization.  This has helped ensure that everyone understands the expectations of what customer service should be before we empower out people to execute." 
HR Manager, The Knotts Company, Inc.

Just 1 Job Matched Employee Can Turn a Struggling Division into a Successful Division:
“We used the top performer system along with Grant’s professional expertise to successfully recruit and hire a sales applicant for a division of our company that had been struggling. This was our first experience using the TOP performer system and it was very easy to use and gave us the information that we needed to make the right hiring decision. Using the surveys and the profile match saved us a lot of time and energy with matching the right person to our position. The profile information has proven to be extremely helpful both in the interview period and after we hired the individual with delivering training to match his particular style. We are very pleased and are grateful to be partnering with People values as we continue to move forward in our business."
Client Services & HR Manager, Roof Life of Oregon


99.3% Success in Identifying & Hiring Productive (& Retainable) Team Members:
"...Our experience with both The Profile and The Checkpoint 360 has been excellent.
   We used The Profile when hiring 141 people in the 18 months following its implementation and all but one of these hiring decisions have proven to be excellent – resulting in an incredible 99.3% hit rate in terms of identifying and hiring productive and retainable team members.
   The information provided by The Profile has been key to achieving such a high number of new hires who immediately settled into their roles as productive team members. As soon as we began to use The Profile in the hiring process we immediately got feedback from our trainers that those recruited with the aid of The Profile were much “more trainable” and took to their responsibilities much more quickly.  We are currently implementing programs to ensure that we make even more use of the
Coaching, Training, and Succession Planning outputs of the Profile in the ongoing management and development of our people.
   The Checkpoint 360 Degree Feedback system gained great credibility when we initially piloted with a team of 25 of our most senior managers. Acceptance of the process was universal, and the response to quality and depth of information in the reports was extremely positive. What was most impressive was the manner in which the Checkpoint not only identified particular strengths or development needs for each of the participants, but also provided each of them with personalized development actions. For these reasons we are now rolling the Checkpoint out to a much wider audience." 
HR Director, VHI Healthcare

Another Skeptical Manager Becomes a "Raving Fan" of the TOP Performance Center:
"We've never had an employee review process before and knew we needed one. Even after my boss purchased your system, I was skeptical the TOP Performance Center would be able to help us develop anything better than what we could do ourselves. That was until I spent a couple hours on the site and customized Job Descriptions and an Employee Review process for every position in our company. We're very pleased with the website. It's an excellent product." 
Office Manager / HR Manager, Diana's Cleaning Service

After Previous Assessments Fail... Now Matching People to Culture as Well as Job:
"People Values has been a great resource for us for the WHOLE package; writing a better ad and position description, creating benchmarks for success in all positions, and screening for culture and job fit.  Although we had used assessments for four years, we had not created-nor adhered to-culture-fit and benchmarking. We believe the combination of all three; Culture-Fit, Benchmarking the Position, and Job Matching assure a much better match-and SUCCESS-for the employee AND us!"  
HR Manager, Transmission Rebuild Center


A "Supplement" in Hiring That They Can't Live Without (Sounds Like a "Necessity"):
"The Step One Survey is a great supplement to the hiring process that I wouldn’t want to be without. It gives me reassurance and the information it provides is imperative in our industry." 
HR Manager, First Atlantic Federal Credit Union



Try it Once & You Won't be Able to Live Without the SOS (especially if you drug screen):
"The supervisors now insist they be referred no one until the SOS test is administered! In addition, this test has helped our company reduce turnover by 50% over 1997 by weeding out high risk candidates and has saved us hundreds of dollars just in post-offer physical exams and drug screens alone. Even temporary workers are tested prior to entering our building." 
HR Manager, Clayton Corporation


ob Matching Eliminates the Need to Interview Substandard Candidates:

"The Step One Survey is used as a prescreening tool by our supervisors before interviews are scheduled which has helped eliminate candidates who would have been extended for an interview prior to use of this test. The Preview has helped us achieve a job match that reflects an 80% retention factor on the employees hired in the past year." 
HR Manager, Time Warner Cable

No Interpretation Required to Understand or Implement Suggestions Immediately:
"The assessments that you offer have helped JH Bennett & Co make the best decisions in aligning the right people to the right job descriptions.  We have used other assessments before and it pales in comparison to the accuracy and breadth of information that we derive from your assessments.  Also, the user friendly reporting enables us to understand and implement the information so that we can benefit from it immediately."  
HR Manager, JH Bennett & Company, Inc.

Tired of Wasting Time & Money on the Unmotivated & Unproductive?  Start Job Matching:
"In the year we started using Profiles International’s assessments, we decreased turnover by more than half. How? By using the tool to determine where a person fits best in our company. We are saving both time and money." 
HR Manager, The Wizards Cauldron

When the Traditional Hiring Method Fails, Job Matching "Clones" a TOP Performer:

"...Recently we hired an engineer that went through our interview process. Within 3 to 6 months of hiring him, we sadly discovered that he wasn’t the person we thought we had hired. Although we feel this engineer has the right knowledge and education to do the job, he doesn’t have the appropriate behavioral traits we need for this position. Unfortunately, the decision to hire this engineer is costing the company a lot of money in lost productivity and in wasted training efforts and salary.
   We were pleased to be introduced to the Profile XT. You took our best engineer, the one we would like to clone several times over, and assessed his thinking style, behavioral traits and occupational interests. The in depth information we received in the reports generated from this assessment helped us determine exactly what we were looking for in our next engineer that we needed to hire. With that profile, we assessed a candidate we liked and found the placement report to be very concise in seeing how closely matched this candidate was to what we expected for the position. The interview questions the placement report provides assisted us in maintaining a well organized and effective interview process. The Profile XT will help us make more informed hiring decisions and help us coach and develop our employees more effectively.
   We also used the Step One Survey with our administrative position. We were able to determine not to hire the candidate based on some admissions she made in the assessment we would not have otherwise known about until it would have been too late.
   We gladly recommend the Profile XT and the Step One Survey to other companies looking to reduce their turnover, reduce the amount of poor hiring decisions and increase the effectiveness of the coaching and development of their employees."
Human Resource Manager, Strata Geotechnical Engineering and Materials Testing 

Job Matching is Easy to Set Up & Provides Instant E-mails with Assessment Reports:
"Before we purchased the Step One Survey, we tested it to verify that it would fit our hiring needs. We found it to be exactly as you described, an effective tool in assessing a candidate, self-administered using the internet. The set up is quick and easy and we really like the instant e-mail with the assessment results. It is definitely useful as part of our hiring process.:." 
HR Manager, Temple Area Federal Credit Union

Help Managers Improve Performance With Fair & Broad Based Feedback:
"...I would like to express how pleased we are with the Prevue Assessment (original Profile XT) and the Checkpoint 360 Feedback Program. Both tools have proven to be beneficial to our organization in a very short period of time. We have used the Prevue to assess internal candidates for a lead person position. The results had an impact on the interviewing team and caused us to change our minds on
candidates. All of us believe that we chose the right person thanks to the Prevue Assessment.
   Currently, our entire management team is going through the Checkpoint 360 Feedback program. We have found this to be an excellent way to provide fair and broad based feedback. The system has also helped in creating development plans once the feedback is completed. We truly believe that this process will assist our managers in reaching the next level of performance which ultimately affects the entire organization.
   Any company interested in developing their human resources should take advantage of the above mentioned programs..."
Human Resources Manager, Traex Division of Menasha Corporation 

No Costly "Consultants" Required to Administer & Generate Assessment Reports:
"We were able to create and access our web portal for our candidates and ourselves with ease...  The standard and custom reports proved to be consistent, accurate and included important aids to the interview and decision-making process." 
HR Manager, American College of Emergency Physicians State Chapter of California, Inc.

Job Matching Works from Entry-Level to Management:
"We just went through the Profiles International assessment process to look for a supervisor. We found someone who is doing a great job." 
HR Manager, Boring Specialties

Job Matching Helps Assure Your "Good Feelings" on a Candidate are Reliable:
"Historically, we based hiring decisions on intuition. Now, with the Profile XT, we are able to back up our good feelings with strong, reliable data that has led to successful hires. We needed results and Profiles International delivered."  
HR Manager, Save Mart Corp.

Assessing Temporary Agency's Candidates Cuts Turnover Rates in Half:

"...Prior to including the Step One Survey in our direct labor recruiting process, Gambro used a temp-to-hire strategy though a temporary agency.  The results of including this survey in our hiring process have been dramatic.  We not only reduced our turnover from 61% to 27%, but for the first time in history, production lines are fully staffed.  The reduction in turnover and increase in the quality of our workforce resulted in significant cost savings." 
HR Manager, Gambro BCT

Job Matching is Even Used to Hire Those Who Protect & Serve Us:

"We screen applicants and then use the Step One Survey II. We specifically look at integrity, attitudes about substance abuse, reliability, and work ethic. Next, we go to the Profile XT, which helps with questions to ask in subsequent interviews. We've used these products for a while and will revisit them in future recruiting" 
HR Manager, Highland Police Force

Job Matching Tools for Specific Positions - Sales & Customer Service Too:
"Our bank needed help in screening applicants and hiring. We use Profile XT, Step One Survey II, Profiles Sales Indicator, and Customer Service Perspective. With these, we weed through applications, screen them, and slim down the choices."  
HR Generalist, Hilltop National Bank

Job Matching Cuts Turnover by 49% & Saves $248,500 in Hiring Costs:
"Over a three and half year period, our company's turnover was reduced by 49 percent, because we used the Step One Survey II. The savings we realized by hiring fewer people saved us almost a quarter of a million dollars... We started using Step One Survey in January 2001. The first year, turnover was high. The second and third years, it dropped substantially. Overall, we hired 33 percent fewer employees. We calculate that turnover costs $7,100 per employee. Since we hired 35 fewer people in 2002 and 2003, we saved $248,500." 
HR Manager, Centro, Inc. 

Aid Your Managers in Identifying their Strengths & Weaknesses to Help Them Improve:

"We find Checkpoint 360 helpful in leadership development. The assessment aids us in identifying strengths and weaknesses." 
HR Manager, Holy Family Memorial Hospital

"Cloning" Top Performers from Entry Level to Doctor:
"Our company always uses the Performance Indicator when hiring new doctors. We've used it hundreds of times to identify whether or not a doctor has the right personality for the job. Now we encourage the company to use it for other leadership positions."  
HR Manager, Dental One

Ask Candidates Critical Questions in an Objective, Fair, Non-Threatening Manner:
"What a wonderful tool!  The Profiles are so easy to administer and so inexpensive to use...  The SOS helps us assess qualities that are critical to our company, in an objective, fair, non-threatening manner.  We have definitely been grateful to be able to screen out some applicants with poor SOS scores that otherwise looked great "on paper."  The second-level assessments, including the Sales Indicator, Customer Service Survey and the Performance Indicator, have helped us make sure of the "fit" between applicants and our open positions..." 
HR Manager, CTR Systems 

Adding One Simple Step to a Hiring Process Quadruples Hiring Success Rates:
"...The Profiles are easy to use, with all candidates doing a short on-line assessment questionnaire.  The results are easily compared against know high performers, scores and reported, e-mailed to managers prior to first interview.  Our interviewers report consistent and effective results using the suggested interview questions to guide them to those particular areas where matches are outside the know success parameters..." 
HR Manager, Ledford Medical

Pinpoint the Exact Reason Your Teams Struggle to Produce & Help Them Improve:
"We conducted a series of benchmark tests by running the PTA on three different project teams that were disbanded months earlier. Each of the teams had distinct challenges regarding composure, attitude towards the customer, emotions and other non-technical issues. Profiles Team Analysis pinpointed exactly the same challenges as were demonstrated during the teams existence. Had we know before, what we learned after the fact, these team’s ability to perform effetely could have been greatly enhanced." 
HR Manager, Giffin International 

On-Line Assessments Give the Ability to Interview Candidates... Wherever They Are:
"Since we started using Profiles Sales Indicator for pre-employment screening for sales employees, we've been very happy. Because the test is online, we find it easy to use. We test all applicants and make better hiring decisions, giving us a better workforce. We are very happy with the service." 
HR, Swedish Match North America 

An Hour-Long, On-Line Assessment Saves $45k & "Clones" TOP Performing Salespeople:

"The Profile XT and Profiles Sales Indicator Assessment have enabled our company to benchmark the performance standards in our sales executives so that we can strive to hire the best most productive candidates in the shortest amount of time. It saves us about $45,000 each time we can avoid hiring the wrong person. In addition, the Internet application with onscreen administration, instant analysis and report generation makes administration very easy and efficient." 
HR Manager (anonymous company)

Get a Grip on Employee Turnover..  & Continual Advice on Hiring Strategies:
"Profile XT helps us get a grip on employee turnover. The assessment also helps us get people in the right job. Since using Profile XT, we've decreased turnover in certain areas. We have no complaints and found Profiles' training very useful." 
HR Manager, National American University

Offering the Best Leadership Development Tool on the Market:
"The Checkpoint 360 is the best product in this category that I’ve used. As you know, this tool replaced another product that we had been using exclusively for almost two years. The managers and executives at Spectrum Healthcare Services (SHS) receive more valuable information in an easy to read, color-coded format, which encompasses everyone’s individual learning style. Not only is there validated feedback, but a comprehensive action plan that each person may use to implement change, based on the facts from their customized report. 
HR Manager, Spectrum Healthcare Services


People Values - 14201 SE Petrovitsky Road Suite A3-226 - Renton, WA 98058
To Contact Us, Email:, Phone: (425) 282-5090, Fax: (888) 605-9266




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