Step 3 to Your Most Productive Staff Ever
In the last two months, you’ve learned the first two steps to your most productive staff ever. As a recap, they are: Step #1 – Set...
Ten Reason You Should Do Background Checks on Potential Employees
If you’ve been a subscriber to this newsletter for the past year and have read any of my articles, you already know why it is so...
The #1 Thing You Must Concentrate on to Make This Your Most Successful Year Ever
Market leaders create, modify and follow systems. Typically, the more thorough a system is, the more successful the organization will be....
Why YOU Continually Fail to Hire the Right People (Part 1)
It’s as simple as this: Successful People = Successful Business! And the opposite is also true. If the people you employ are not...
Step 2 to Your Most Productive Staff Ever
Last month, you discovered the first step to get your employees to do the job you are paying them to do… The step was: Define success in...
Why Your Business is NOT Reaching it’s Full Potential
Did your business achieve its financial goals last year? Most businesses did not. And for 90% of them, the same thing held them back....
The 5 Hiring Best Practices For Every Growing Business
You probably don’t need a reminder, but it’s already the 2nd quarter of 2014. The year is more than 25 percent up. So have you...
3 ½ Reasons Your Employees Stink
So first off, when I say stink, I don’t necessarily mean they smell bad. Some may, but this is not the kind of stink I’m referring to....
The #1 Ingredient of ALL Successful Businesses
You want your business to be more successful, don’t you? So what have you done lately to improve it? Let me guess: You’ve worked on...
The 4 Ways Leadership Development Will Help Your Business Accomplish Goals in 2015
Are people born leaders or are they made? I’ve been asked that question countless times in the past 15 years of running People Values....